jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Stefany Andrea Delgado Castro Group 18

4 comentarios:

  1. Stefany Rojas Villalobos5 de junio de 2014, 7:52

    The video is instructive, I liked this video especially the part where this showed the right way as the hands are washed with a real example. I disliked this video unnecessary use of water in times of soaping hands.

  2. What I like about the video is that the classmate showed a real example step by step handwashing.

    Throughout the video understand perfectly what she wants to express

    In this video I remembered the steps for proper hand washing we should apply all, not just those who belong to the group of health.

  3. i liked this video, because she was very creative, showing the correct cleaning the hands, is different to others videos, the text is a little repetitive, but i understand perfect the mensaje and i will practice in my diary life.

  4. I like this video because is very didactic and trought it I reinforced the correct hand washing that i had seen in others semesters .

    I don´t like in this video that the Stefany’s voice sometimes is very low but in general is appropriate


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